Christelle Peig-Dettmann

By Spiced Academy | April 5, 2023

Meet Christelle 👋. With a background in finance, she wanted something new and a way to reinvent herself. She found SPICED and went toe-to-toe with our intensive Data Analytics course.

Hi Christelle! Thanks for talking to us 🙂 Tell us a little about your educational and professional background?

I have a background in Finance and have experiences in both corporate and startup environments.

You found a job already! Tell us about the job hunt and the role?

The role choices widened, as I am not anymore just confined to my domain knowledge. However, being new to the data field, I encountered some challenges especially when it came to convincing the interviewers of my skills. But I learned that even though it is a career change for me, everything I did in the past is relevant. It also helped me showcase my technical skills by sharing how I applied it in the projects I have built week on week at Spiced. I'm thrilled to start my data journey as a Data Specialist to support the organization with its data infrastructure, extracting valuable insights and advocating for a more data-driven mindset.

What made you want to study Data Analytics?

When I became more involved with business data, I found myself becoming more fascinated with finding trends and stories behind numbers. Throughout my career, Excel has been my weapon of choice, which is an essential skill in the finance field. However, I realized that this was not enough and that equipping myself technically would be the best way for me to maximize the power of data and transform it into actionable insights.

How was the intensive learning experience for you?

It was definitely demanding since you learn new topics and project presentations every week, but the fast-paced curriculum is built in such a way that you are still able to digest the lessons and more importantly be able to practice it.

How will your life change thanks to the course?

Having leveled up my skills, the opportunities for me are wider and I feel more equipped in maximizing my potential in the world of data.

What were the most challenging aspects of the course?

There were moments when I had an idea but I could not fully realize it and implement it in my codes the way I wanted it to be. I think this is something that gets better in time and patience is key.

What were your favourite aspects of the course?

I particularly enjoyed the weekly presentation of our projects as it was the culminating day of showcasing everything you have learned throughout the week. It's a proud moment for everyone from having the slightest idea to having a full-blown presentation. You also get to see your cohort's projects which gives you exposure to various ways of handling data and approaching the analysis or learning a cool line of code that one can use in the future.

Do you have any advice for future Spicedlings?

You will have good and bad days, but be disciplined and stay invested \u2013 just keep putting in the work. The results will come and you will start becoming more motivated.

How was your experience with the teachers and life at Spiced in general?

My teachers were knowledgeable and helpful throughout the entire bootcamp. I learned various ways of approaching a problem through their different perspectives. My cohort was energetic and collaborative, which eased the challenging days a bit. Spiced is serious and committed to teaching students one of the most sought-after skills today but it's also a sandbox for you to try and experiment on your ideas. Joining the bootcamp where people from various backgrounds come together to have the common goal of enhancing their technical skills felt very nurturing.

Why should people think about taking a 9 week intensive Data Analytics course?

If you have passion for data, finding trends and telling stories, then this is the perfect course for you. The curriculum ranges from reading the data, to data transformation, to data exploration and analysis using various programming languages and data visualization tools. It focuses on a practical approach and helps you build your own project portfolio week on week!

SPICED in 3 words?

Practical, Transformational, Nurturing!

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